Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I guess the Change in my Pocket just wasn't enough

Ode to my nose
Little piece of skin and bone
sitting in between my eyes
why do you persist
in torturing me.
Why do you cry and cry and cry
regardless of how often I wipe away your snot.

That has been my day. Not sure where this came from but I have been sneezing and my nose has become a faucet over night. I probably went through an entire box of Kleenex today. But I still dressed up regardless. I've found that even when I feel at my utmost worst, I will feel at least the tiniest bit better if dressed to the nines. I took my own advice.

The cardi you've seen and is from Old Navy, the khaki cords are Old Navy and the purple ruffled tank is one of my weekend purchases from Old Navy which I got for $7.
This ruffled tank reminds me of my navy blue one from the Gap but obviously this is a different color plus the ruffles hang different and are comprised of two different materials which gives it that extra flare.

My favorite new black boots, my Madden Girls. Sorry about the scuffing, I had just gotten inside. I wore these this weekend in Chicago and they were a dream. They allowed me to look awesome, walk fast, and still be comfortable in them for half the day.
Though you don't see it in most of my pictures, I typically wear a scarf with every one of my outfits in the wintertime. I have found that whatever temperature my feet and neck are, that is usually what dictates the temperature of the rest of my body. I freeze in school so I try to stay as warm as possible. The scarf, one of my thousands, is from good old Target. I love the color!

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