Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I don't believe in anything... But Myself :)

Today was a wonderful day. Started Gatsby with great success, peer edited research papers and this weekend I will start the dreaded grading. I really wish I could read in a car without getting a fiend of a headache otherwise I would use the four hours I'll be sitting in a car driving to and from Chicago for grading instead of probably listening to my iPod.
It actually hit above 50 degrees today which is weird for February but I'll take it. I've just recently started getting cabin fever as I watch the feet of snow around me melt. I haven't been skiing yet this year which doesn't help my cabin fever. I appreciate the snow alot more when I have a use for it but I haven't yet. All I can think about is bike riding in the hot summer heat, sweating away the pounds I want to lose this summer. I want to wear dresses and walk barefoot in my front lawn, feeling the blades of grass cutting between my toes. And I want to go on a picnic, a real one, which I have never done before. I'm ready for spring and to buy spring things and wear spring things. It's time.

The pants are Old Navy, now that I think about it the only dress pants I own are from Old Navy except one pair from Kohls. Old Navy's dress pants just fit me the best but their jeans are another matter. They think because you have big hips you also have big thigh which I don't. I can usually count on Target for my jeans.

The sweater is from Wal-Mart believe it or not. The undershirt is a floral pattern from Old Navy, purchased at Goodwill :)
This is my sailors locket. I wear this with pretty much everything because I love anchors. I bought it on Etsy this past summer for around $20.
The shoes are another pair of beloved oxfords. These are more of a patent leather. I don't usually spend alot of money on clothes but shoes are my exception because they will fit me forever no matter what. These I purchased online at for about $70. Though not as comfortable as my Goodwill Bass oxfords, they will last much longer due to their material.
It is homecoming week and tomorrow is nerd day which I actually can dress for. I checked Ann Taylor dresses online and they are way out of my price range so that is a no go. I still have a while to go so I'm not too worried yet :)

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